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Did you Know About These Omega 3 Health Benefits?

Updated on August 19, 2015
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Image courtesy of posterize at | Source

Foods Where you Can Find Omega 3

Our health and well being is built up by many small habits and things we do day by day. Our decisions for meals, sports, friends, sleep, entertainment and drugs and what not create and form us accordingly. For example, someone that gets eight hours of sleep, has a good job, spends time with friends and family, exercises regularly and eats a good portion of everything and anything is bound to look and feel better than someone who does not partake in those kinds of activities as much.

On the other hand, people that have long jobs, eat whatever they can and spend a lot of time either sitting or relaxing will not have as much energy as the earlier example and will probably lead a rather unhealthy life. As human beings, the most important thing to us should be to enjoy this life that no one is ever sure of and be able to do all the things our spirits desire. To achieve this, the uttermost goal most of us should follow is to stay healthy so we can partake in extenuating and long activities and not feel totally destroyed the next day.

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Today's Life Problem

One, if not the most important aspect to take into consideration when trying to be healthy and live a rich, happy and long life, is our diet and what we eat. The nutrients we get daily, the body's requirements and what we want to eat versus what we should be eating, it all factors together. This is also one of the area's most of us fail to pay the correct or adequate amount of attention to.

The problem is that now especially, everything is fast and on the go. Getting meals prepared at home for work the next day or being careful about what you eat takes up a lot of time and may even depress some people. I am here to tell you that that is not the way to look at any of this though. The better our nutrition the better our lives are! I firmly believe this because ever since I have three square meals with variety in greens, meats, wheat's and all others, my life has gotten better a great deal and I always find myself feeling better and with more energy than before.

An amazing nutrient that has contributed a big deal in making me feel this awesome has to be Omega 3. This is a fat that can found in both animals and plants. They are basically acids that are naturally formed the most in fishes and plants that improve our well being highly. The body appreciates these fatty acids since it cannot make them at all. We have to take in a lot of it from other sources because of this. The benefits it has are also very vast and not having enough of it in your life could actually produce complications.

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Types of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

As stated before, we can get these from both animals and plants. Despite this fact though, we have to consider that the types of Omega 3 acids we want the most are found in animals, these being salmon, sardines and shrimp. There are more but those are the most prominent ones. They produce two kinds of Omega 3 fat which are called the eucisaoebtaenoic acid, or EPA for short, and the docosahexaenoic acid that also goes by the name of DHA.

These two are acids that we can already take advantage of and our body is ready to use. The other kind, the alpha-linoleic acid or ALA can be found in plants like flaxseed, hemp, soybeans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and walnuts. The ALA is later turned into either EPA or DHA in the body and is then used to its fullest extent. The problem with this is that even if we consume a lot of the ALA, the conversion will not give as many benefits as the other two would naturally consumed. That is why it is better to go straight for the fish.

Benefits of Omega 3

After understanding what they are, you should also see just how much work and improvements they do inside the human body. The ALA is fairly important for producing energy in the cells and making us feel pumped and ready for anything! The EPA is best known for producing the molecules in charge of letting us know through inflammation if something is wrong. Then, the DHA helps a great deal with the nervous system, delivering superfluous amounts of fat to the brain which needs it direly and is built it mostly by it.

These fatty acids are known for helping out with so much more too. They can help people suffering from cancer with relief in pain and increased energy to endure the procedures. It can help with memory problems and heart conditions, short attention spans, arthritis pain and even better the breathing of people with asthma.

The studies regarding the potential of Omega 3 in our lives is still ongoing since its infinite amount of appliances is still unknown and we can still find new ways to use it and how it can help with diverse areas of our life. It is even known to aid in symptoms of depression, lower high blood pressure and increase the effectiveness of antidepressants. We will never stop seeing the potential in these fatty acids and should continue incorporating them into our diet as much as possible.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Benefits

Foods with Omega 3 fatty acids

Fish and plants are not the only ones that have these acids though. The list is rather large, containing different fruits and what not. Here are some of the most common ones that many people use and see the best results with:

Flaxseed oil
Brussels Sprouts
Image courtesy of rakratchada torsap at
Image courtesy of rakratchada torsap at | Source

There are many more foods rich in Omega 3 but those are the ones with the highest levels and are some of the most available ones too. Pumpkin seeds are great too but not many of us can have those all the time. The point to focus on is to never let off your Omega 3 diet though.

Your body needs it, your brain needs it and you will feel potential and energy you have not felt in a long time the moment you increase these fatty acids in your meal plan. They are all nutritious and delicious if you know how to make them too. Try different mixes between them all and at least having them in your week about three or four times. We cannot get enough of these acids and we only see better things in our life because on it so don't stop getting the amount you should!


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